Our Resources
Below are resources for community members and CACCWA member organizations. We’ve included information to help with access to basic needs, digital equity, education, business resources, and temple contact information.
Resources and information for digital equity research. Request the most recent edition of NCDE’s free Guide to CRA Grantmaking for Digital Equity and Economic Inclusion
The Digital Inclusion Alliance Guidebook includes information on lessons learned from six digital community wide digital inclusion coalitions.
Referral to low-cost broadband providers nationwide.
High-speed Internet at $14.95/month.
Map to programs offering free and low-cost refurbished computers.
Offers discounted computers and a wide range of other tech products.
Discounted new computers.
Discounted new computers.
Offers refurbished computers for nonprofit groups.
Offers discounted refurbished laptops and hotspots
Appapedia‘s searchable database containing free and low-cost educational and productivity apps across all platforms.
Tech SoupCatalog of deeply discounted software for nonprofits and libraries.
program that communities can launch teaching youths to provide tech support for seniors. See also their great documentary.
Program that communities can launch teaching youths to provide tech support for adults (and fellow youths). Can be used to teach linguistically diverse youths to provide multilingual tech support in the community. See here for research on GenYes's validated, extraordinary impacts for disadvantaged students.
NTEN helps communities strengthen local nonprofits grow local tech support capacity.
Most of the American Library Association’s* local public libraries offer free access to broadband, devices and support using them safely and effectively. They stand ready to assist with growing challenges of device addiction and cyberbullying.
Algebra Project has developed exceptionally effective, research-validated, culturally-responsive strategies that assist underrepresented, impoverished youths to excel in mathematics.
JumpStart’s national network of state affiliates helps schools and communities offer financial literacy programs.
ACT’s National Career Readiness Certificate offers free research-based instructional materials and assessment tools that enable learners to earn a career readiness certificate recognized for academic credit by over 1000 postsecondary institutions and for employment by employers across hundreds of fields.
MERLOT is a world-renowned, easily searchable repository of free learning resources for learners from preK through seniors.
GCFGlobal is free online learning which joins more than 100 million people from all walks of life who have come to us to learn the essential skills they need to live and work in the 21st century.
National Science Digital Library offers exceptional educational resources in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields for learners of all ages.
SkillsCommons is a highly regarded repository of free open learning resources for workforce training. They can develop customized portals for partners who wish to provide exemplary free learning resources in specific occupations.
ISKME’s OERCommons provides well curated, free resources for creating free open courses. TechGoesHome’s excellent Internet Skills Curriculum, some resources are tailored to learners in the Boston area but most are useful nationwide.
Tips for UDL Practice – CAST, the research organization that originated UDL theory and practice, provides concrete tips for teachers to put the concepts into effect.
UDL Guidel Dynamic Tags Need Help ines – A set of research-based guidelines show explicit ways to apply the UDL principles to curriculum design.
Universal Design for Learning: Theory & Practice – Anne Meyer and David Rose, principal architects of UDL, provide a full-text, multimedia book explaining the ideas behind UDL. The resource is free with email registration.
Org dedicated to support interest in local business policies.
Wat Dhammacakkaram “Wat Chhas”
Sahak Khemararam Buddhist Association “Wat Tmey”
Wat Samakki Ratanaram
Khmer Theravadin Buddhist Temple
Wat Dhammarangsey (West Lin, OR)