Digital Navigator program serves Cambodian American community members with a particular focus on seniors, those with limited English proficiency, high school students, Medicaid recipients, and individuals seeking work and techical support
Digital Navigator program serves Cambodian American community members with a particular focus on seniors, those with limited English proficiency, high school students, Medicaid recipients, and individuals seeking work and techical support
Digital Navigator program serves Cambodian American community members with a particular focus on seniors, those with limited English proficiency, high school students, Medicaid recipients, and individuals seeking work and techical support
Today society heavily relies on technology. we want to support our community by giving them the resources to let them gain the long-term skills to succeed using digital technology skills.Β
CACCWA Digital Navigation Program (DNP) is committed to digital inclusion and education empowerment in Washington. Our focus includes enhancing educational opportunities for those with limited digital skills and low income, and providing digital devices and support to underserved communities, and bridging the digital divide.
CACCWA Digital Navigation Program (DNP) is committed to digital inclusion and education empowerment in Washington. Our focus includes enhancing educational opportunities for those with limited digital skills and low income, and providing digital devices and support to underserved communities, and bridging the digital divide.
Our primary goal is to empower the Cambodian community by providing accessible, multilingual resources and training on emergency preparedness. We aim to ensure that community members understand how to prepare their households, respond during emergencies, and manage unexpected situations with confidence.
CACCWA Digital Navigation Program (DNP) is committed to digital inclusion and education empowerment in Washington. Our focus includes enhancing educational opportunities for those with limited digital skills and low income, and providing digital devices and support to underserved communities, and bridging the digital divide.
Our primary goal is to provide essential digital navigator services and support, enabling our community to learn, grow, and bridge the current societal and digital gaps.
DNP Focus Areas
Digital Navigator project will consist of four interconnected areas of focus:
Digital Device Distribution: Ensuring widespread access to essential digital tools for community members.
Digital Education: Offering targeted programs to enhance digital literacy and proficiency.
Sustainability Integration: Prioritizing environmentally conscious practices in our digital initiatives.
Increased Access: Expanding accessibility to digital resources, fostering inclusivity within the community.
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Joining our training classes in King, Pierce, Thurston, Clark, Snohomish, and Whatcom County.Β Click below for more information.
Empowering our DNP through our workshops and events. Click below for more information.
Expanding our DNP by getting supports from our partnerships. Click below for more information.
Joining our training classes in King, Pierce, Thurston, Clark, Snohomish, and Whatcom County.Β Click below for more information.
Empowering our DNP through our workshops and events. Click below for more information.
Expanding our DNP by getting supports from our partnerships. Click below for more information.
CACCWA Digital Navigation Program (DNP) remains committed to digital inclusion and education empowerment in Washington. Our focus includes enhancing educational opportunities for those with limited digital skills and low income, and providing digital devices and support to underserved communities, and bridging the digital divide.
Many current members of the Cambodian diaspora had their formal education disrupted due to the war and genocide in the 1970s, or needed to prioritize financial stability over education even though they valued learning.
ααΎααααααα αααααΉααα ααααααααα-α’αΆαααα·ααΆααααΆααααΈααααΆα 2015
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